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deliberate mistake
Izo wrote:
Why am I so badass?
Ridley |
Before I surrender the floor to some fellow who is actually acquainted with you, a word, if I may. I've noticed that many people today fail to distinguish between nouns such as "badass" and their (probably older) adjectival forms such as "bad ass". It is incorrect to say that you are "badass", just as it is incorrect to say you are "genius". The difference is that the adjectival and nominal forms of "genius" are not distinguished overtly on the head (for the nominal form of "genius", one would, of course, use a specifier (cf. comic #010)); but if we all try, we may still be able to preserve this, if I may, "bad ass" feature of English.
ellɘ |
Come back when you know the difference between an adjective and a noun.
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